Home Evening Guides
The home is the great "center of gospel learning." (President Russell M. Nelson) These home evening guides are intended to support parents in teaching their children about the plan of salvation, procreation, and the sanctity of human life. The guides are also provided for adult Latter-day Saints to gather and learn these truths together.
Heavenly Father Gave Us Our Bodies | Ages: up to 11
Teach young children that they are children of God and that God sent their spirits to an earthly body. Includes activity pages at the end.
The Greatest Miracle | Ages: up to 11
Teach young children about the miracle of human life and their own bodies. Includes activity page at the end.
Heavenly Father Gave Us Our Bodies | Ages: 11-18
Discuss with youth the truths that Heavenly Father gave us our bodies, the sacred gift of procreation, and the responsibility to safeguard life.
Co-creating with God | Ages: 11 to adult
Discuss together these three great truths: 1) God created the earth and us, 2) God made us stewards, and 3) we are co-creators with Him.
Heavenly Father Gave Us Our Bodies | Ages: older teen to adult
Discuss with older teens and adults about the sin of elective abortion, the gift of our bodies, and our responsibility to protect life.