Do you want to help protect your preborn brothers and sisters? Here are some ideas. Feel free to pick what fits with you and your life, and let the Spirit guide you as you choose.

First Steps:
Here's the best way to get started:
Sign the Latter-day Saints for Life pledge and become a Latter-day Saint for Life.
Signing pledge signifies that you agree that:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is pro-life
We have an obligation to protect life
You will speak, vote, and act with charity for the preborn
Attend the New Members orientation Zoom meeting for new members to learn more about LDSFL and how you can get involved.
To get the Zoom link emailed to you, sign the pledge (above). You may also email for additional assistance.
These orientation meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30pm Mountain Time, directly before the members-only LDSFL monthly meeting.
At these meetings, find out if your state/region has a local coordinator who you can get in contact with.
Attend the monthly members-only LDSFL Zoom meeting (7pm MT on the 4th Thursday of the month).
These meetings happen on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm Mountain Time, directly after the orientation.
These Zoom links will also be emailed out to Latter-day Saints for Life who have signed the pledge.
This is the best way to find out about current ways you can volunteer to help Latter-day Saints for Life.
Invite your friends and fellow Church members to join!
As we grow, our ability to save lives grows as well!

Next Steps:
If you want to do more...
Read the FAQs page on our website.
You can become a stronger advocate for the preborn if you know how to discuss some common questions about abortion.
Learn more by visiting the Doctrinal Library on our website.
Explore and better understand the Church’s stance on abortion, and find useful information for discussing abortion with friends and family members.
Teach about the sanctity of life in the home.
Take advantage of our open-and-go Home Evening Guides to teach loved ones of all ages about the sanctity of life.
Speak up!
Talk to your fellow Saints about the doctrine of the Church and the critical need to protect our preborn brothers and sisters. Be bold, brave, loving, and kind.
Consider becoming a donor for Latter-day Saints for Life or another pro-life organization that matters to you. Latter-day Saints for Life is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; all donations are tax-deductible.

Additional Steps:
Reach out to local a pro-life organization.
If you have a state coordinator, contact them for assistance finding one.
Help by volunteering, donating, and participating in local events.
Organize a gathering of friends, family, and fellow Saints. This can be formal, like a fireside, lesson, or class with your ward/stake, or informal, such as in your home.
Give a presentation on the sanctity of life (either by you or by our LDSFL official team).
Share our Resources for Pregnant Women.
Print and present a few copies of the PDF to your local bishop, Relief Society president, and/or other local leaders to assist them as they counsel women in need.
Consider sharing the document on social media or with someone who might need it.
Consider becoming a state coordinator.
If your state does not yet have one, offer to become a volunteer local leader to coordinate volunteer opportunities, gatherings, etc., in your area.
To find out if you have a state coordinator, or for help contacting them, email .
Organize a service project.
Get creative! After connecting with local pro-life groups and/or Latter-day Saints for Life, find out about current needs and prayerfully choose a way to help.
Ideas: crochet blankets for pregnant mothers in need, hold a donation drive for a pregnancy resource center, volunteer on social media for a pro-life group that matters to you, organize a fundraiser, plan an awareness campaign, etc.
No matter who you are and where you're at, there's something for you to do.

"The Church is more than the buildings and the ecclesiastical structure; the Church is us, the members, with Christ at the head and the prophet as His mouthpiece." –Sister Reina Aburto, April 2022 General Conference